UPDATED 05/21/2017
Stroh's Beer Steins


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S80A - 1980's Stroh's label 0.5L stein. This 5 1/4" stein was made in West Germany by Gerz. Featured is a Stroh's label. Did not come boxed.

S80B - 1980's Stroh's label 0.5L stein. This 5 1/4" stein was made in West Germany by Gerz. Featured is Stroh's and the Lion Crest. Did not come boxed.

S80C - 1980's Stroh Light label 0.5L stein. This 5 1/8" stein was made in West Germany by Gerz. Featured is the yellow Stroh Light label. Did not come boxed.

S80D 1980's Stroh Light label 0.5L stein. This 5 1/4" stein was made in West Germany by Gerz. Featured is a red and gold Stroh Light label. Did not come boxed.

S82F1 - 1982 Stroh's World's Fair stein. This 3 7/8" small ceramic stein was made in the USA. Strohs had a Strohaus at the 1982 World's Fair that was held in Knoxville, TN. May 1 - October 31, 1982. Stroh's, Stroh Light and the Lion Crest are featured on the front. Did not come boxed.

S82F2 - 1982 Stroh's World's Fair stein. This 5 5/8" larger ceramic stein was made in the USA and has the same graphics as the smaller version. Stein body is different. Did not come boxed.

S82F3 - 1982 Stroh's World's Fair stein. This 7 1/2" heavy ceramic stein was made in the USA. Features in high relief the Stroh's Brewery Strohaus with hot air balloons and the sphere from the fair. The Official beers, Stroh and Stroh Light, of the 1982 World's Fair that was held in Knoxville,TENN.,U.S.A. Did not come boxed.

S83DET - 1983 The Stroh Brewery Co. stein. This 6" stein was made by Concept's Unlimited in the USA. Features Stroh Lion logo on the front with TOGETHER ... WE'RE READY! and Wholesaler Marketing Meeting Detroit - 1983, on the back. Did not come boxed.

S83NEW - 1983 Stroh's New England stein. This 5 7/8" stein was made by Concept's Unlimited in the USA. Features Stroh's Label logo on the front with STROH'S and Proudly introduces its brands to New England SPRING 1983, on the back. Did not come boxed.

S84LAB - 1984 Stroh's Label stein. This 5 3/4" heavy stein was made in the USA by Concepts Unlimited. Features the Stroh's label on the front, blank on the back. Did not come boxed.

S84OR - 1984 Stroh's Expansion stein. This 5 3/4" heavy stein was made in the USA by Concepts Unlimited. Features the Stroh's label on front and Oregon Expansion 1984 on the rear of the stein. Gold is worn off the lower ring around the side and rear. Did not come boxed.

S84SIG - 1984 Stroh Signature Label stein. This 5 7/8" heavy stein was made in the USA by Concepts Unlimited. Features the Stroh Signature label on the front, blank on the back. Did not come boxed.

1986 Statue of Liberty lidded stein - Box View 1986 Statue of Liberty lidded stein - Left View 1986 Statue of Liberty lidded stein - Front View 1986 Statue of Liberty lidded stein - Rear View 1986 Statue of Liberty lidded stein - Right View 1986 Statue of Liberty lidded stein - Top View
S86S - 1986 Stroh's Statue of Liberty stein. This 9 3/4" lidded stein was made in Brazil by Ceramarte. On the bottom reads: As a founding sponsor, in the effort to restore the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, the Stroh Brewery is proud to offer this limited edition commemmorative stein. In relief, the Statue of Liberty is on the front, "Give me your tired, your poor,..." is on the left and in relief, Ellis Island is featured on the right. The Lion Crest in red and gold against a blue background, is featured on the ceramic insert in the lid. Individually numbered. Rear of box is shown in the picture. The other 3 sides show the sides of the stein. Individually numbered. Gift boxed.
$55.00 or
$45.00 No Box

S84T - 1984 German American Tricentennial lidded stein. This 8 1/2" lidded stein was made in Brazil by Ceramarte. Features a scene of a 2 horse drawn beer wagon on left and Our family's 200 year brewing heritage assures you of consistantly superior quality beer on right. Same as the 1984 issue, but is lidded and says German American Tricentennial on the bottom. Consistently spelled wrong as consistantly. All the steins produced, had the misspelling. Individually numbered. Did not come boxed.
SPECIAL: $35.00

S84M - 1984 Stroh's error stein. This 7 1/2" stein was made in Brazil by Ceramarte. The 1st in Stroh's Heritage series of 6 steins. Features a scene of a 2 horse drawn beer wagon on left and Our family's 200 year brewing heritage assures you of consistantly superior quality beer on right. This one has the misspelling consistantly. We figure the 1st 55,000 steins produced had this misspelling before it was corrected. Individually numbered. Did not come boxed.

S84 - 1984 Stroh's stein. This 7 1/2" stein was made in Brazil by Ceramarte. The 1st in Stroh's Heritage series of 6 steins. Features a scene of a 2 horse drawn beer wagon on left and Our family's 200 year brewing heritage assures you of consistently superior quality beer on right. This one has the correct spelling of consistently. Individually numbered. Did not come boxed.

S85 - 1985 Stroh's stein. The 2nd in Stroh's Heritage series of 6 steins. This 7 1/2" stein was made in Brazil by Ceramarte. Features a German city scene. The Stroh Brewery Company and During the late 18th century, Johann Peter Stroh served quests at his Kirn, Germany inn, with his legenery fire-brewed beer at top. Individually numbered. Did not come boxed.

S86 - 1986 Stroh's stein. The 3rd in Stroh's Heritage series of 6 steins. This 7 1/2" stein was made in Brazil by Ceramarte. Features the Stroh's label on front. The Lion Brewing Co., on Gratiot and Hastings St., Detroit, Mich is pictured on the left and a short history of Bernard Stroh on the right. Individually numbered. Did not come boxed.

S87 - 1987 Stroh's stein. The 4th in Stroh's Heritage series of 6 steins. This 7 1/2" stein was made in Brazil by Ceramarte. Features graphics from Stroh label 1880 - 1900. Individually numbered. Did not come boxed.

S88 - 1988 Stroh's stein. The 5th in Stroh's Heritage series of 6 steins. This 7 1/2" stein was made in Brazil by Ceramarte. Features the 1890 Brewery Stables to the left, a 1913 Packard Truck in front and a 1905 Electric Truck to the right. Individually numbered. Did not come boxed.

S89 - 1989 Stroh's stein. The 6th and final in Stroh's Heritage series of 6 steins. This 7 1/2" stein was made in Brazil by Ceramarte. Features the fire brewed beer process. Individually numbered. Did not come boxed.

S89L - 1989 Stroh's lidded stein. This 9" lidded stein was made in West Germany by Gerz. Features Stroh's label on the front with flowers and buildings in relief. Did not come boxed.

SL89L - 1989 Stroh's Light lidded stein. Same as S89L, but with the Stroh's Light label on the front. Did not come boxed.

SB1 - 1990 Harvest Dancers lidded stein. This 6 1/2" lidded stein is the 1st in the Stroh Bavaria Collection of steins. Features a festival type occasion with people in period dress, dancing, playing music and , of course, drinking beer. Ceramic insert in the lid displays the Stroh's logo. Individually numbered. Did not come boxed.

SB2 - 1991 Barrel Pushers lidded stein. This 6 1/2" lidded stein is the 2nd in the Stroh Bavaria Collection of steins. Features men delivering kegs of beer to a tavern and having a few. Ceramic insert in the lid displays the Stroh's logo. Individually numbered. Did not come boxed.

SB2R - 1991 Barrel Pushers lidded stein. This 8" lidded stein is the 2nd in the Bavaria Collection of steins. Made by CUI, Inc for Stroh's. The same features as the stein with the ceramic insert in the lid, but the lid is adorned with a pewter figurine of a man with a 2 wheel cart pushing a barrel. Individually numbered. Came in a generic box.

SB3 - 1992 Aging Cellar lidded stein. This 6 1/2" lidded stein is the 3rd in the Stroh Bavaria Collection of steins and was made in China. Features beer being sampled from the kegs. Ceramic insert in the lid displays the Stroh's logo. Individually numbered. Did not come boxed.

SB3R - 1992 Aging Cellars lidded stein. This 8 1/4" lidded stein is the 3rd in the Bavaria Collection of steins. Made by CUI, Inc for Stroh's. The same features as the stein with the ceramic insert in the lid, but the lid is adorned with a pewter figurine of a man tapping a keg. Image is darker and a different color on the figural lidded steins as compared to the ones produced with just the insert in the lid. Individually numbered. Came in a generic box.

SB4 - 1993 "Bandwagon Street Party" stein.

SB4R - 1993 Bandwagon Street Party lidded stein. This 8 1/2" lidded stein is the 4th and final in the Bavaria Collection of steins. Made by CUI, Inc for Stroh's. The same features as the stein with the ceramic insert in the lid, but the lid is adorned with a pewter figurine of a man playing an accordion type instument. Individually numbered. Came in a generic box.

S94 - 1994 Stroh's stein. This 6 1/2" stein was made in Germany by Gerz. The 1st in "A Time For Friendship" series of steins. Stroh's label at top on front. Features a bavarian street festival with the band playing in the gazebo. Many people gather to enjoy the friendship of others while many mugs of beer are enjoyed. Did not come boxed.

S94L - 1994 Stroh's lidded stein. This 7 1/2" lidded stein was made in Germany by Gerz. The same features as S94, but the stein comes lidded with a raised Stroh Crest in the middle. Individually numbered of 3000. Did not come boxed.

S95 - 1995 Stroh's stein. This 6 1/2" stein was made in Germany by Gerz. The 2nd in "A Time For Friendship" series of steins. Stroh's label at the top of the stein. Features a couple at a table waiting to be served Stroh's. Did not come boxed.

S95L - 1995 Stroh's lidded stein. This 7 1/2" lidded stein was made in Germany by Gerz. The same features as S95, but the stein comes lidded with a raised Stroh Crest in the middle. Individually numbered of 3000. Did not come boxed.

S96 - 1996 Stroh's stein. This 6 1/2" stein was made in Germany by Gerz. The 3rd and last in "A Time For Friendship" series of steins. Features the front with a Stroh's label. A Holiday Tradition Since 1775 with a winter scene on the left and More Taste More Character with a winter scene on the right. Individually numbered. Did not come boxed.

S96L - 1996 Stroh's lidded stein. This 7 1/2" lidded stein was made in Germany by Gerz. The same features as S96, but the stein comes lidded with a raised Stroh Crest in the middle. Individually numbered of 3000. Did not come boxed.

S97 - 1997 Stroh's stein. The 1st in "The Stroh Family" series of steins. This 6 1/2" stein was made in Germany by Gerz. Features Bernard Stroh on the front. The town, Kirn,Germany, where he grew up, is pictured on the left and The Lion Brewery, Detroit, Michigan, as it was in 1864, is pictured on the right. Individually numbered. Did not come boxed.

S97L - 1997 Stroh's lidded stein. This 7 3/4" lidded stein was made in Germany by Gerz. The same features as the S97 stein, but comes with a dome type lid with a raised Stroh's crest in the middle. Standard thumblift. Individually numbered of 3000. Did not come boxed.

S98 - 1998 Stroh's stein. This 6 1/2" stein was made in Germany by Gerz. The 2nd in "The Stroh Family" series of steins. Features Julius Stroh on the front. The Stroh's Brewery as it was in 1914 is pictured on the left and a Stroh's Brewery delivery truck with Stroh's and Alaska Ice Cream wording on the side, is pictured on the right. Individually numbered. Did not come boxed.

S98L - 1998 Stroh's lidded stein. This 7 3/4" lidded stein was made in Germany by Gerz. Same features as S98, but comes with a dome type lid with a raised Stroh's crest in the middle. Thumblift changes. Individually numbered of 3000. Did not come boxed.

S99 - 1999 Stroh's stein. This 6 1/2" stein was made in China. The 3rd and last in "The Stroh Family" series of steins. Features Gari M. Stroh on the front. An oval Stroh Bohemian style beer label, used between the early 1900's and 1971, is pictured on the left and one of the new canvas-covered stake trucks from a fleet thatb was developed to handle their expanding marketplace, is pictured on the right. Individually numbered. Did not come boxed.

S99L - 1999 Stroh's lidded stein. This 7 3/4" lidded stein was made in China. Same features as S99, but comes with a dome type lid with a raised Stroh's crest in the middle. Thumblift changes. Individually numbered of 3000. Did not come boxed.

2000 Stroh's unlidded stein
S2000 - 2000 Stroh's stein. This 7 3/8" porcelain stein was made in Germany. The 1st in the "Wildlife" series of steins. Features Elk around a lake in a winter scene. Individually numbered. Did not come boxed.

2000 Stroh's lidded stein
S2000L - 2000 Stroh's lidded" stein. This 8 1/2" lidded stein was made in Germany. The same features as S2000, but comes with a lid that has a ceramic insert with the Stroh's crest on it. Individually numbered of 2000. Did not come boxed.

2001 Stroh's unlidded stein 2001 Stroh's unlidded stein 2001 Stroh's unlidded stein
S2001 - 2001 Stroh's stein. This 7 3/8" stein was made in Germany. The 2nd in the "Wildlife" series of steins. Features an Eagle soaring through the air with mountains in the background. Stroh's label on front. Individually numbered. Did not come boxed.

2001 Stroh's lidded stein 2001 Stroh's lidded stein
S2001L - 2001 Stroh's lidded" stein. This 8 1/2" stein was made in Germany. The same features as S2001, but comes with a lid that has a ceramic insert with the Stroh's crest on it. Individually numbered of 2000. Did not come boxed.

SNASGB - "Grizzly Bear" lidded stein. This 10 1/2" high by 4 1/2" wide very heavy lidded stein was made in West Germany by Gerz GmbH. The 1st in a series of 4 steins for "Your Partners in Preserving America" Wildlife lidded stein collection. Released in a joint venture between the Stroh Brewery Company and the National Audubon Society. Designed by artist Linda Givin Fisher, the stoneware stein comes glazed with earthtone hues and has raised relief surfaces depicting sectioned triptych scenes of America's most precious wildlife in full color detail. The pewter lid is richly embossed with the "Your Partners In Preserving America" official emblem. The bottom of the stein is also clad with a pewter foot, protecting the base. A minature pewter figurine of a grizzly bear rests atop the lid. Individually numbered with a certificate of authenticity. Box has some wear. (Note: Stein shipped will have a different serial # than pictured. *** ADD $2.00 Additional shipping to regular shipping! ***)

SNASPF - "Peregrine Falcon" lidded stein. This 10 1/2" high by 4 1/2" wide very heavy lidded stein was made in West Germany by Gerz GmbH. The 2nd in a series of 4 steins for "Your Partners in Preserving America" Wildlife lidded stein collection. Released in a joint venture between the Stroh Brewery Company and the National Audubon Society. Designed by artist Linda Givin Fisher, the stoneware stein comes glazed with earthtone hues and has raised relief surfaces depicting sectioned triptych scenes of America's most precious wildlife in full color detail. The pewter lid is richly embossed with the "Your Partners In Preserving America" official emblem. The bottom of the stein is also clad with a pewter foot, protecting the base. A minature pewter figurine of a Peregrine Falcon rests atop the lid. Individually numbered with a certificate of authenticity. Gift boxed. (*** ADD $2.00 Additional shipping to regular shipping! ***)

SNASWD - "Wood Duck" lidded stein. This 9" high by 4 1/2" wide very heavy lidded stein was made in West Germany by Gerz GmbH. The 3rd in a series of 4 steins for "Your Partners in Preserving America" Wildlife lidded stein collection. Released in a joint venture between the Stroh Brewery Company and the National Audubon Society. Designed by artist Linda Givin Fisher, the stoneware stein comes glazed with earthtone hues and has raised relief surfaces depicting sectioned triptych scenes of America's most precious wildlife in full color detail. The pewter lid is richly embossed with the "Your Partners In Preserving America" official emblem. The bottom of the stein is also clad with a pewter foot, protecting the base. A minature pewter figurine of a Wood Duck rests atop the lid. Individually numbered with a certificate of authenticity. Gift boxed. (*** ADD $2.00 Additional shipping to regular shipping! ***)

SNASHW - "Humpback Whale" lidded stein. This 9 1/2" high by 5 5/8" wide, at the base, very heavy lidded stein was made in West Germany by Gerz GmbH. The 4th and final in a series of 4 steins for "Your Partners in Preserving America" Wildlife lidded stein collection. Released in a joint venture between the Stroh Brewery Company and the National Audubon Society. Designed by artist Linda Givin Fisher, the stoneware stein comes glazed with earthtone hues and has raised relief surfaces depicting sectioned triptych scenes of America's most precious wildlife (humpback whales) in full color detail. The pewter lid is richly embossed with the "Your Partners In Preserving America" official emblem with National Audubon, above and Stroh, below. The bottom of the stein is also clad with a pewter foot, protecting the base. A minature pewter figurine of a Humpback Whale rests atop the lid. Individually numbered on a metal tag hanging from the handle and comes with a large National Audubon and Stroh certificate of authenticity. Gift boxed. (*** ADD $2.00 Additional shipping to regular shipping! ***)





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Salisbury, North Carolina